I have several little quotes I use frequently with my kids in disciplining and directing such as "kind words are sweet like honey", "only use words that build up and not ones that tear down"," remember your joy", and, on occassion when I am being a mean mom you will hear me say "she's a cold hearted snake". These are just a few of the Moffa mantras we have and this week the kind words have been a struggle. I noticed that I found myself repeating this all too frequently and, unfortunately, not just to my kids but also to myself.
My real warning that I needed some help with this area came when I spoke harshly to my mom. We were watching my boys little league game, which doesn't bring out the best in me, and my mom was doing what moms do and correcting me. Now, I know that I am an adult and should be able to handle myself, but my mom is one of those high quality, long term moms. My parents are my spiritual mentors and my mom is one of closest confidantes. I can talk to her about anything and I always know that I will receive godly and honest wisdom. She is always supportive but also knows when I need a reality dose and brought back down off my horse. I mean who better to knock you out of your saddle than your mom, right? Well, this particular evening I needed a dose of motherly discipline and when my mom corrected me, I snapped back. The big clicker is that when I realized that I needed to apologize....I didn't.
I was struggling to practice what I preach. Not only was I not using kind words but I tore down someone I love out of anger and frustration. I started soul searching and quickly found that this was a problem in more area than one. I do it to my husband and my kids and when I whine, complain, or envy, I am doing it to God. It is so easy to say something unkind. We think and then we speak it, no filter required. I tell my kids all the time that the reflection of our hearts is seen in our words and actions. What condition is my heart when my tongue lashes out?
I came up with a heart transplant of sorts. I am focusing on sweetening not slaying. I am putting more effort in my words, thinking through them. I am attempting to take notice of all the lovely "sugar" that God has poured on my life, how He has generously sprinkled people and things to bless me and I am thanking Him for it. I am believing and living like I can be honey to my little world. Proverbs 16:24 says, "Kind words are sweet like honey, sweet to the soul and healing to the body". That is both powerful and inspiring. Just by sweetening instead of slaying with my tongue I can help God bring about healing. This sounds like something worth working for.
Lastly, my husband Ryan actually does love honey. Sometimes I will walk into our kitchen only to find him standing with the pantry door open and a honey bottle in his hand, squeezing into his open waiting mouth. A lot of honey, a lot of love, a lot of God's goodness. What could ever be wrong with that?
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