Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My list...

I read a devotional this week about capturing moments in our life and taking mental pictures. The author called them "blink" moments because they pass in "blink" and we choose to savor or to let them go. She said we could" blink" the good and the bad of life and just hold them away to look back over like a mental photo book. The devotional ended with the author encouraging us all to make a list of our "blink" moments. Here is some of my list.....

Parker and Daddy singing Frozen songs a little too loud at Muriales.
Walks in the rain with my boys wearing rain boots and hunting worms
Carter's house in Hawaii. This is his future home to be shared with his wife and his six kids.
Conversations in the back seat of my van shared between my kids. They have covered topics from baseball to marriage to hot dogs and I love listening in.
Garrett dancing to "Let it go". He knows every move and would make a great Elsa.
Daddy and the boys playing baseball in the front yard.
Meme and Pap playing in the ocean with their grandkids.
Ryan being so nervous on our wedding day.
My first Pirates' game. All my boys were so proud of me.
Carter's first smile.
The first time Garrett said "yes". We worked very hard for that word and it still makes me cry to think about it.
Parker's recent announcement that he was going to continue to fast most fruits and vegetables since he has for the last couple of years.
Garrett singing "I am a Promise"

This is my short list. It was such a great exercise to think back and remember the moments that are worth remembering. I only listed the good but the tough moments are equally as worthy because of the humble lesson they each bring with them. I hope I always remember this concept and that as life flies by I can store up lots of "blinks" and always remember.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect list! I've been doing lists like this for some time. I'll write my child's name and a time period (like Summer 2013). Then I just write sentence after sentence of quotes, things they love to do, books they are into...
