Sunday, March 2, 2014

The "jump"

Today my son built a jump. He does this most days. Takes every pillow, cushion, and blanket he can find and then jumps into them from several steps higher. Today was different because he wanted me to throw him down into his pile. As I was standing there witnessing his faith in me to land him safely, I thought of how lately God has been nudging me to trust him. He has put this idea of blogging in my mind and I have struggled to jump. I hesitate because I don't trust myself but today I realized I don't have to. I can trust Him to land me safely wherever He wants me. So here goes...

God has blessed me abundantly in life but, as is my tendency, I have not always trusted in His plans. Take for instance my jump-loving son, Garrett is a blessing in so many ways but 9 months ago when he was diagnosed as autistic, I wondered at the purpose in that. I struggled not with why but I questioned how God would work through my son's challenges. I have since realized that I better be ready with open palms because  His blessings are abundant even in difficult circumstances. There was the recent dentist appointment when Garrett let the hygienist floss his teeth without having to be held down. There is my 8 year old who knows what scripting is and has shown such compassion as the biggest brother. My 7 year old loves to jump on the trampoline with his brother and will gladly play in shaving cream for hours. Open hands get me through everyday. They fill up with words like, "you are my best friend mommy" and "mommy, you can lay down with me?" God's plans are perfect. He makes no mistakes and trusting Him is both the easiest and hardest thing I will ever do. This journey is different than what I had planned but I will say it again and again, where He leads, I will follow.

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