Friday, March 7, 2014

"I get you"

I had a "burning bush" moment this week. My devotional right now is taking me through the story of Moses and I find that he and I have so much in common. He was put in a position by The Lord and he seriously doubted his ability to do the task that The Lord had for him. I love that he doesn't hesitate to tell God how he feels about his struggles. He reminds me of myself when I cry out in my prayers and remind God that I am not "that mom". I am not the mom who can handle the struggles that I often find myself in.

Wednesday was a humbling day that reminded me of my huge inadequacies. It started with a women's study that I was hosting. I worked to get the house in order and the dog put in his crate and then I prayed that Garrett would do OK. I do not relish the struggles we face adapting Garrett because it is hard to watch him struggle but also, selfishly, because it can be embarrassing for me. You see, I am the mom who wants to have it all together and sometimes I just don't. My house was in order and my dog was in his crate but my child was unhappy and expressing it in aggression, yelling, fighting, a messy fit. I felt so inadequate, so defeated, so embarrassed, and so humbled.

Thankfully God followed it up later that night with my "burning bush" moment. It was toward bedtime and I was ranting at my oldest son that I could not do everything- for everyone -all the time. Yes,  I can admit that I am not "that mom", although not always politely. After my rant, and then my apology, Parker kindly responded with, "It's OK mom. I get you". That immediately brought tears to my eyes because I felt like God was speaking thorough him reminding me that I only need to be me. God doesn't give me or Moses more than we can handle. He knows us and He loves us and He equips us. For Moses, it was a staff and his brother Aaron. For me, that day, it was my eight year old's forgiveness and understanding. God in all of his awesomeness has given us help in our trouble. He has given me my family, my friends, my quiet times with Him and,  with those blessings close at hand I can humbly keep going. He "gets me" and that is more than enough.


  1. fun! welcome to blogland--and I know whoever reads this will be soo blessed because I can't think of a time I have spent time with you and haven't come away encouraged by your humor, love, genuineness and most of all your unshakeable FAITH.

  2. So excited to see you starting a blog. I've been on the fritz with blogging for awhile now but I will read whatever you write. Blessings!

